Gender- Citation Diversity

Who gets published, who gets cited and who is visible?

To assess the diversity of visibility and citations in academic papers, conferences and social media in communication sciences is the aim of a new joint project of the University of Hohenheim and Johannes Gutenberg- University Mainz. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds the project „Gender Citation Diversity“ as part of their key theme “Focus on Innovative Women“

Gender diversity and a fair representation of women in academia are two of the most discussed issues in academia of our time. With their results, the research group wants to contribute to an informed and most of all data-driven debate and citation practice.

If female researchers choose even slightly different research topics, if they interpret their data differently or choose to highlight different results, they have an impact on the results of their research. Whenever only people from one particular group do research and get cited, only the interests and interpretations of this particular group will be represented in society.

The more diverse the group of researchers of an issue is, the more diverse are the different perspectives present. These perspectives are necessary to achieve high quality research. When we cite and incorporate diverse research, we carry these diverse perspective into our research and therefore into society.

Research team:

University of Hohenheim:

Prof. Dr. Sabine Trepte

Maike Braun M.Sc.

Dr. Simon Kruschinski

Astrid Jansen M.A.

University of Mainz:

Prof. Dr. Michael Scharkow

Laura Heintz M.A